Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Tying it together

Frozen while a wildly popular film, has many missed encoded messages by the average audience and that there are in fact so many messages to decode within the film such as the meaning of Elsa's powers, or hidden innuendo jokes (bestiality).

On a cross-platform level, Frozen had definitely spread, and this definitely changed the way media is consumed in contemporary society. The countless amount of parodies made is endless and although I have only picked up on a few there are still so many different ones available. 'Let it go' tended to be the main subject of the parodies as the song was very powerful and catchy. 

The characters in Frozen were very relatable and also convention-breaking. I think that it is remarkable how much Frozen does challenge the typical conventions of a fairytale and the general conventions of a Disney film (homosexual family etc). 

A smaller cross platform take on Frozen is the application of 'Free fall'- a strategy game similar to the popular Candy Crush Saga. This simply emphasises the growth in technology and the different ways in which one can interact with media texts. Who knows what will be next? 

The popularity of Frozen caused all these cross-platform take on the film and the various blogs which were published highlighting the controversial nature of the film. This also shows that although a Disney film and typically targeted at children it caused enjoyment and dismay to the adult worlds, with a few people claiming it was 'brainwashing' the younger generation, and others saying it was 'educating'. I agree that the film is educating the younger generation and the fairytale conventions that it breaks is a healthy refreshment on contemporary film and fairytales.

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